
Ently is a tech startup working in the blockchain space and changing the way we transact and treat counterparty risk.





Project Type

Product Strategy / UI & UX Design / UX Collaboration


UX Designer /UI Designer

Project Overview

Designing a multi-functional marketplace and accompanying embeddable tooling

Tasked with designing a fresh, intuitive web3 marketplace and decentralized tooling infrastructure that's both accessible, flexible, and customizable enough for a wide range of use cases.


Create an ecosystem that feels connected and intuitive. Combine 3 project touch points (peer to peer contact, negotiation and payment, and delivery) into one, easy-to-use product.

My Role/Responsibilities

UI Design
UX Design
Design system management

Research & Planning

Differentiating in a dense, competitive landscape

Our first steps included building a visual and brand identity, and initial prototype from scratch. These elements would then serve as starting point for the development of the design system and final design.

Competitive Analysis

Prior to planning and design, I conducted competitive research and made note of repetitive design features being used successfully in web3. As it stands, web3 suffers from a lack of effective UX. Ently's goal was to differentiate with a user-first approach. Likewise, there were also a number of web2 analogs to analyze.


Most of the pre-product research and empathy data was collected before I was brought onto the team. With that data as a foundation, I began to construct the core IA and wireframes to better understand core user journeys, and establish feedback loops with users and stakeholders.


Establishing a fresh, dynamic and scalable design system

While taking influence from common design language in the space, and considering legacy products that occupy similar functions, I developed a design system that felt intuitive, and drove the user to interact rather than get lost in information dense screens.

Design System Ethos


Minimal, purposeful use of color.


Typographic hierarchy and contrast make important information stand out.


Similar component layouts that repeat throughout.


Epilogue was chosen for it's slightly unconventional but techy feel and was set with the perfect-fourth type scale.

Color Palette

I identified a brand color scheme familiar in the fintech space but with some unique use of gradients, I the expanded the color palette to accommodate the needs of the platform as it scales.

Key Considerations
  • Shades of the primary colors facilitate visual hierarchy
  • Clear messaging is created via a bold secondary palette
  • Contemporary and vibrant tertiary tones standing out in the marketplace
Component Library

This is a snapshot of the early component library. I've created and maintained the component library throughout the design process, accessible for all team members and ensuring visual consistency across the platform.

Final Dashboards

Designing for accessiblility

The final design aims to feel familiar and reduce the friction typically associated with web3. By designing with a plug and play mindset for the end user, workflows are more efficient, and you don't need to be a tech head to actively engage in blockchain.


Centralized marketplace to view all creator projects and status of each creators accessability.


A P2P decentralized tool that allows frictionless access to open a contract and facilitates secure negotiation trustlessly.

What's Next

Launching soon!

This is a work in progress with examples of previous iterations of Ently. Ently is set to officially launch in mid 2022. After launching with an MVP, the team plans to begin user testing to further iterate on the product's design, features, and functionality.

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